Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Dead Rise

Played another game with my Undead, and took a moment to photo the painted units to share here. The match was against dwarfs and ended in a big fat tie. I'm finding that my approach to the Vampire Counts list might be a bit unworkable--at least against Dwarfs. Too much light stuff, cavalry, and stuff that disappears in the face of magical artillery. I'll have to re-think the strategy for future games, but at least it's more models to show off!

A Vampire on a Barded Nightmare. I did a fire effect for the tail and hooves, to make it like a Nightmare from Dungeons and Dragons lore. 

Vargheists proved to be the most effective, defeating a unit of longbeards and a grudge thrower crew.

Ghouls rose from the sewer system and crept into a building housing an organ gun and crew, tearing them to bits and feasting on their remains.

The Spirit Host, composed of a miasma of swirling ectoplasm.

Bat swarms clouded the sky, but failed to bother the Dwarf battle line in the least.

Fully Painted Models
Dwarfs: 38
Undead: 17
Skaven: 14

Total 2014: 8

1 Wins (Wood Elves 1)
1 Loss (Dark Elves 1)

1 Win (Dwarfs 1)
1 Loss (Dwarfs 1)
1 Tie (Dwarfs 1)
1 Loss (T&T Daemons 1)

2 Loss (T&T Daemons 1, T&T Dwarfs 1)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Grand Necromancer

I recently ran a specialized game linked to the current Games Workshop End Times series of books. The battle pitted the forces of Undead, led by Nagash and his Mortarchs against small groups of forces across a fragile alliance. Players in the event had 400 points of troops and hero/lord in a single unit, with no magic users, and had to take out Nagash, Mortarch Neferata, and a Master Necromancer paired with Krell (all of whom were summoning new units to oppose them using the new Lore of Undeath spells). My component for the battle was painting Nagash.

My Nagash model, in his undead glory, at the event (credit to Thomas Jarvis for the great photo)

The model itself is glorious, and was really fun to paint. I need to do some uplighting on the spirit hosts swarming around him, but otherwise I'm really pleased with how it turned out. In the battle, we had 7 players versus three of us as GM's. They managed to kill Krell and the Master Necromancer, and got within a wound of slaying Nagash. But he proved just too powerful, finally striking down the Herald of Nurgle and the lone remaining Kroxigor from a Skink cohort--the last hope for the fragile alliance. Meanwhile, Mortarch Neferata escaped with only two wounds and a mass of dead trolls and Orc bodies at her feet.

Fully Painted Models
Dwarfs: 38
Undead: 17
Skaven: 14

Total 2014: 7

1 Wins (Wood Elves 1)
1 Loss (Dark Elves 1)

1 Win (Dwarfs 1)
1 Loss (Dwarfs 1)
1 Loss (T&T Daemons 1)

2 Loss (T&T Daemons 1, T&T Dwarfs 1)