Sunday, December 28, 2014

End-of-the-Year Siege Battle

As I mentioned in my last post, my friends and I decided to cap the year with a giant Siege battle. With a full 6 feet of castle walls, 6,000 points of defending Dwarfs and Bretonnians, and 9,000 points of attacking Warriors of Chaos, Dark Elves, and Skaven.

Slit-Snitch, Clan Eshin Assassin

I owned two Skaven armies prior to this one. The first was my very first army, long since sold off and just a small hodgepodge of units and characters (the way of those early edition mid 90's games). The second was 3,500 points of a Clan Eshin force, which was a massive undertaking to paint--and was also sold off as I started to focus on a different army (an all wolf-rider Goblin Army). I swore at that time that I'd never paint Eshin again. And here I break my vow--because I acquired an old Deathmaster Snikch model in a trade. And my love for the Skaven assassin models--especially this one--took hold again with a vengeance. His poison is blue as it, like everything else in my force, contains the signature blue dyes of those in service of The Blue Rat--my Grey Seer. I'm really pleased with how the model turned out. 

I also managed to paint up four weapon teams to add to my forces for the siege battle. A Warp Grinder and three Warpfire Throwers.

The Warp Grinder led the way for a tunneling team of Gutter Runners to strike behind enemy lines.

This Warpfire Thrower is venting exhaust, struggling to keep the flames in check before belching them out onto foes. 

This classic metal Warpfire Thrower is an old favorite. I always loved the moxie of the rat in the rear--raising his sword to attack even as he lugs a barrel of volatile chemicals on his back. 

This Warpfire Thrower is in the process of blasting a jet of the burning flames from the nozzle. No misfires here (haha)!

Set up for the siege battle, from the defender's point of view. The towers were capped by Dwarf cannon and organ guns, and manned by Thunderers or Bretonnian Bowmen. The walls were held by the sturdier troops, Ironbreakers and Irondrakes--though one unit of Bretonnian Men-at-Arms with a Lady were there to provide magic support. Finally, the castle courtyard held five stone throwers (four Bretonnian Trebuchets and a single Dwarf Grudge Thrower) plus a unit of Bretonnian Grail Knights waiting to sally out the gate into the enemy forces. 

Deployment from the attacking side. The throng of Chaos, Druchii, and ratmen filled the barrens before the castle gates. My force consisted of five blocks of infantry, plenty of weapon teams, a high number of wizards, two Plague Catapults, and a Warp Lightning Cannon. Our plan was to send the big monsters (Charybdis, Abomination, large unit of Chaos Trolls) against the castle gate, while the Chaos Warriors, Witch Elves, and Dark Elf Executioners led the assault on the walls. 

Yet again, the most destructive model in my force proved to be Bishop Vilitch, astride his Pox Rat steed. Twice in this game he managed to cast Cloud of Corruption, which inflicted heavy casualties on all sorts of enemy forces along the walls (and a few Chaos warriors), as well as out-and-out slaying the flying Paladin sent to go monster hunting. The second casting a miscast, ending in his losing all wizard levels, still did not deter him. He turned and charged the sallying Bretonnian Grail Knights, breaking a long grind-fest that had been going for multiple turns between the knights and the Plague Monks and Troll unit. Finally, he turned his attention to the castle gate and nearly destroyed it as the game ended. 

My other superstar of the match was my newly painted Assassin: Slit-Snitch. Arriving in the enemy backfield as soon as he was able to (turn two), he carried out a one-rat flurry of destruction, managing to destroy three Bretonnian Trebuchets and the Dwarf Grudge Thrower before the game ended. 

The game ended with a super-close finish, on a turn six effort by a Dark Elf Dreadlord on a Dark Pegasus finishing off the last remaining unit of Bretonnian Men-at-Arms in the courtyard to secure that point for the attacking forces, giving them a 4 to 3 point victory in an excellent game. I'm looking forward to the next Siege battle!

Fully Painted Models
Dwarfs: 41
Skaven: 37

Total 2014: 15

4 Wins (Dwarfs 2, Wood Elves 2)
1 Loss (Dark Elves 1)

2 Wins (T&T Daemons and Dwarfs, Siege Dwarfs and Bretonnians)
4 Losses (Empire 1, Dwarfs 1, T&T Daemons 1, T&T Dwarfs 1)

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