Monday, December 8, 2014

For the Blue Rat

I fielded my Skaven army in a game last night, so it was a chance to get some photos of my progress thus far with them. First up are some of the characters/units, and then some shots from the battle itself (sort of a micro battle report).

 The Blue Rat

This is the Grey Seer who leads my force conceptually. He dyes his fur blue with the same compound he mixes with the warpstone powders he gives to his forces, all under the illusion of being more powerful (and different). He has built a cult around himself, relying on the drug-addled eyes of the Clan Pestilens to not see through his deceptions and instead preach the gospel of his deeds. 

 Cardinal Fang

Cardinal Fang is chief among the Plague Priests who spread the word of The Blue Rat's holy works in the name of the Horned One. This model is actually the oldest model I own. It's the one surviving Skaven from the prior two times I bought/painted/built/sold off Skaven in the past. I saved it because it was in the original blister of Skaven I bought at the same time I bought the army book 18 years ago. I stripped it, added the staff bits and decor, and gave him a brand new paint job. I picture him as having risen through the ranks after years of campaigning to become a high-ranking Plague Priest now. 

 Engineer Gnawfire

This is the first Warlock Engineer I've finished for this force, and it might remain alone for a while. The army will have much more of a Clans Pestilens and Clan Moulder element than Clan Skryre component. But every army needs at least one Engineer waiting in the wings to try out some fiendish technology. And he was a good test for the look of the blue armor, which I think turned out awesome. Makes me want to get my painting attention to my Stormvermin right away.

Progress on the unit of Slaves. They're going to be the first fully painted unit, because staying motivated on Skaven means putting off all the cool stuff until you finish the core. 

Progress on the Plague Monks, led by Cardinal Fang. I'm trying to make an early milestone of "all front ranks painted" for this force. 

Banshee Mercenary Captain
This game was a Triumph and Treachery game, so it meant fielding a group of Mercenaries along with my Skaven force. So I chose a group of Undead: a Banshee as captain, with 3 Spirit Hosts, 2 Bat Swarms, and 10 Ghouls. I'm honestly not convinced I really like Undead, and while I've been painting some I'm thinking of dropping them as a force to focus on the Skaven and Dwarfs which I enjoy much more in painting and on the tabletop.

 The Skavenslaves proved that painted means fighting better, as they not only held against the Beasts of Nurgle, but won three combats against the nasty toads before they were finally wiped out by the last of them. 

The Banshee moved forward to menace another mercenary company, a group of Bray Shaman assisting the Chaos forces. Yet some deal mush have been reached, as gold changed hands and she refrained from screaming her wail at them for two turns (T&T Mercenary rules bribes). 

A Great Unclean One and Plague Flies assail the last remnants of the Longbeards. Miraculously, the Longbeards managed to survive this fight. 

The Spirit Hosts locked the Iron Breakers and Belegar Ironhammer in place, allowing the Hell Pit Abomination to sneak around the side. The two units ground the Dwarfs down and demolished the unit, but couldn't quite finish off Belegar--who finally escaped the fight and turned his wrath on a Herald of Nurgle to end the game. 

This turned out to be the closest Triumph and Treachery game I've ever played. Kevin's Daemons of Chaos had a paychest of 1100, Tom's Dwarfs had 1200, and my Skaven narrowly won with 1350. Was a great clash! The next game on the horizon looks to be a Siege game on a day around the winter holidays, so I'm excited about that!

Fully Painted Models
Dwarfs: 41
Undead: 18
Skaven: 26

Total 2014: 12

4 Wins (Dwarfs 2, Wood Elves 2)
1 Loss (Dark Elves 1)

1 Win (T&T Daemons and Dwarfs)
2 Losses (T&T Daemons 1, T&T Dwarfs 1)

1 Win (Dwarfs 1)
1 Loss (Dwarfs 1)
1 Tie (Dwarfs 1)
1 Loss (T&T Daemons 1)

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